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S and P: China and #39;s fiscal stimulus is losing its effectiveness

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
China and #39;s fiscal stimulus is losing its effectiveness, being more of a strategy to buy time for the country and #39;s industrial and consumer policies, says Yunbang Xu, senior analyst at S and P Global Ratings, in a report published last week, wRITES... ...continuare.

Cine este actorul celebru care a turnat-o pe Stela Popescu la Securitate: "Era prea emancipata"

publicat 2024-04-12 10:30:30 (Click)
Cine este actorul celebru care a turnat-o pe Stela Popescu la Securitate: Stela Popescu, un nume emblematic al scenei romanesti, a fost tinta atentiei Securitatii inca din tinerete, pe vremea cand aceasta era studenta la "Teatru si Film". In grupul ei, format din personalitati considerate "prea emancipate" pentru epoca respectiva, a fost infiltrat si Valentin U...continuare.

Japan has lost its position as the world and #39;s third largest economy after falling into recession

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Japan has lost its position as the world and #39;s third largest economy after falling into recession * Japan and #39;s nominal GDP reached $4.2 trillion, compared to Germany and #39;s $4.46 trillion Japan has lost its position as the world and #39;s third largest economy to Germany as the Asian country unexpectedly entered recession, wRITES CNBC. ...continuare.

Declin demografic si social in Buzau: Mai multe comune inregistreaza zero casatorii in 2023

publicat 2024-02-14 15:00:14 (Puterea)
Declin demografic si social in Buzau: Mai multe comune inregistreaza zero casatorii in 2023 Intr-un fenomen alarmant, cinci comune din judetul Buzau au raportat ca nu au inregistrat nicio casatorie in intregul an 2023. Datele provizorii furnizate de Directia Judeteana de Statistica (DJS) indica o scadere accentuata a casatoriilor in aceste localitati, subliniind o tendinta de declin... ...continuare.

Taylor Swift a aratat ca o "printesa" la Grammy 2024. Vedeta a intrat in istorie imbracata in tinuta lui Kate Middleton

publicat 2024-02-07 22:30:13 (ProTV)
Taylor Swift a aratat ca o Taylor Swift a intrat în istorie duminica, devenind singurul artist care a câstigat de patru ori Albumul Anului. Cântareata si-a revendicat premiul îmbracata într-o tinuta identica cu cea purtata de pRITESa Kate Middleton... ...continuare.

Business Insider: 'China is failing to stop the exodus of investors from its stock market'

publicat 2024-02-05 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Business Insider: 'China is failing to stop the exodus of investors from its stock market' * The market value of Chinese shares has fallen by about six trillion dollars, compared to the maximum reached in 2021, according to the American publication January was the sixth consecutive month that foreign investors sold shares listed in China, according to a Bloomberg report, w...continuare.

Elon Musk: 'Chinese electric car manufacturers will 'demolish' their competitors, in the absence of trade barriers'

publicat 2024-01-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Elon Musk: 'Chinese electric car manufacturers will 'demolish' their competitors, in the absence of trade barriers' Chinese electric car manufacturers will have 'significant' success outside China, believes Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, wRITES CNBC. ...continuare.

Business Insider: 'China sees the energy transition as a way to increase the importance of the yuan'

publicat 2024-01-23 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Business Insider: 'China sees the energy transition as a way to increase the importance of the yuan' * Zongyuan Zoe Liu, Council on Foreign Relations: 'China is a dominant supplier of essential resources for the transition to a green economy' The US dollar dominates global finance, especially in commodity markets, but China sees the transition to renewable energy as a way to increase the... ...continuare.