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S and P: China and #39;s fiscal stimulus is losing its effectiveness

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
China and #39;s fiscal stimulus is losing its effectiveness, being more of a strategy to buy time for the country and #39;s industrial and consumer policies, says Yunbang Xu, senior ANALYST at S and P Global Ratings, in a report published last week, writes... ...continuare.

ANALYSTs: Indian stock market can grow more than tenfold in next two decades

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* LGT Wealth India: 'India and #39;s nominal GDP growth, which translates into profit growth and stock market returns will remain intact even over the next 20 years' * Anand Rathi: 'India has a 'pipeline of new capital and #39; that can continue to boost stock valuations' ...continuare.

Goldring: 'The budgets of BET companies reflect their visions in a changing economic landscape'

publicat 2024-04-10 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* The uncertain geopolitical context and financial market fluctuations - the main threats that can influence the economic course of our country in 2024, according to the brokerage house * TeraPlast, Fondul Proprietatea and OMV Petrom - among the companies whose budgets were noticed by ...continuare.

Bitcoin 'Halving' - Significance and Prospects

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Bitwise Asset Management: 'The launch of ETFs was the moment of Bitcoin and #39;s IPO' * Bitbank: 'We expect interest rate cuts, halvings and ETFs to lead to strong price growth in the second half of the year' * JP Morgan: 'The reduction of rewards will lead to an increase in the production... ...continuare.

ECB: 'The mitigation of inflation makes possible a possible reduction of interest rates in 2024'

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) decided, in yesterday and #39;s monetary policy meeting, to keep interest rates unchanged for the fourth consecutive time, as expected by ANALYSTs. ...continuare.

ANALYSTs bet: The first G10 central bank to cut interest rates will be Switzerland and #39;s

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Most economists expect the Bank of Japan to end an eight-year run of negative interest rates in April ...continuare.

Jefferies: 'Indian stock market valuation to double by 2030'

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* The bank and #39;s ANALYSTs estimate that India and #39;s stock market valuation will reach $10 trillion, up from $4.3 trillion today * 'In the next four years, India and #39;s GDP is likely to reach five trillion dollars, making the country the third... ...continuare.

Mondelez isi reorganizeaza operatiunile europene dupa boicotarea afacerilor sale din Rusia

publicat 2024-02-19 09:45:46 (Money.ro)
Mondelez isi reorganizeaza operatiunile europene dupa boicotarea afacerilor sale din Rusia Dupa luni de boicotare si presiuni din partea actionarilor si activistilor pentru a parasi Rusia, Mondelez, cu sediul in Chicago, a incetat sa faca publicitate in tara, dar nu a reusit sa iasa complet din Rusia.Intr-unul dintre memoriile interne vazute de Reuters, presedintele pentru Europa,... ...continuare.

A Hong Kong court has decided to liquidate China Evergrande Group

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A Hong Kong court has decided to liquidate China Evergrande Group * The total debts of the real estate giant amount to 300 billion dollars, according to Reuters * ANALYSTs believe that worries about an imminent global catastrophe are exaggerated; instead multinational corporations are likely to feel some of the effects,... ...continuare.

What prospects does the US dollar have this year?

publicat 2024-01-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
What prospects does the US dollar have this year? * ANALYSTs expect the US currency to depreciate, especially in the second part of the year, according to a Reuters poll * Wells Fargo: 'As the monetary policy cycle moves into the easing phase, a decline in the dollar looks increasingly likely under a wide... ...continuare.

Un salariu pe zi. Un quality ANALYST cu o limba straina castiga intre 1.300 si 1.800 de euro net pe luna

publicat 2024-01-08 06:45:29 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Un salariu pe zi. Un quality <span style='background:#EDF514'>ANALYST</span> cu o limba straina castiga intre 1.300 si 1.800 de euro net pe luna Autor: Ramona Cornea Un angajat pe pozitia de quality ANALYST cu o limba straina are un salariu care variaza, in medie, intre 1.300 si 1.800 de euro net pe luna, dupa cum arata datele de la platforma de recrutare online bestjobs. ...continuare.