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Ion Cristoiu: De ce nu se mai sinucid azi romanii din amor?!

publicat 2024-04-12 08:00:21 (Mediafax)
Ion Cristoiu: De ce nu se mai sinucid azi romanii din amor?! Trancaneala. In romanul Cuib de nobili, al lui Turgheniev, descopar in varianta BATINd spre ridicol naravul rusesc al trancanirii. Am scris despre asta un eseu, nu intimplator intitulat, Trancaneala la Cehov, in care sesizam pagini intregi din opera rusului... ...continuare.

CNCD makes recommendations related to the granting of scholarships

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
School grants have become a real headache for the authorities. The National Council for ComBATINg Discrimination recommended to the Ministry of Education not to make any distinction in awarding scholarships between students from the private, respectively... ...continuare.

National plan to combat school violence

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
ComBATINg violence in educational institutions has become a priority for the authorities. One cannot talk about a quality education with students and teachers terrorized by aggression. ...continuare.