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ECONOMY in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa ECONOMY

S and P 500 has biggest decline in half a year; can you see the bear tracks?

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* John Flood, Goldman Sachs: 'There is still enough liquidity for investors to put into stocks' * Tom Lee, Fundstrat: 'The market doesn and #39;t need Fed rate cuts to do well' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'Bear markets tend to occur when the ...continuare.

ECOFIN: The implementation of the PNRR ends on December 31, 2026

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of ECONOMY and Finance from the EU member states refused last week during the ECOFIN Council meeting to extend beyond December 31, 2026 the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of which the PNRR of our country is a part,... ...continuare.

Opinie Andrada Popescu, Noerr: Moonlighting, echilibrul dintre nevoile angajatilor de a obtine venituri suplimentare si provocarile angajatorilor

publicat 2024-04-16 14:30:25 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Opinie Andrada Popescu, Noerr: Moonlighting, echilibrul dintre nevoile angajatilor de a obtine venituri suplimentare si provocarile angajatorilor Moonlighting-ul, practica de a avea un al doilea loc de munca pe langa cel principal sau cumulul de functii, s-a transformat intr-un dans fermecator la lumina lunii. In ciuda faptului ca nu este un concept nou, ascensiunea gig ECONOMY si cautarea unor surse... ...continuare.

Studiu Deloitte: Tranzitia catre economia circulara a incetinit la nivel global in 2023. Sectorul agroalimentar, industria producatoare si constructiile sunt zonele care necesita interventie rapida

publicat 2024-04-02 11:15:51 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Studiu Deloitte: Tranzitia catre economia circulara a incetinit la nivel global in 2023. Sectorul agroalimentar, industria producatoare si constructiile sunt zonele care necesita interventie rapida Autor: Roxana Rosu Tranzitia catre economia circulara a incetinit la nivel global anul trecut, in conditiile in care vasta majoritate a materiilor prime care intra in economii provin inca din surse virgine, iar ponderea materiilor secundare, reutilizate, s-a redus constant in ultimii cinci ani,... ...continuare.

Deloitte: Tranzitia catre economia circulara a incetinit la nivel global in 2023

publicat 2024-04-02 11:15:11 (Bursa)
Tranzitia catre economia circulara a incetinit la nivel global anul trecut, in conditiile in care vasta majoritate a materiilor prime care intra in economii provin inca din surse virgine, iar ponderea materiilor secundare, reutilizate, s-a redus constant in ultimii cinci ani, de la 9,1% in 2018... ...continuare.

World Bank: 'East Asia and #39;s growth outpaces the rest of the world, but China drags the region down'

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
* The bank expects the East Asia and Pacific ECONOMY to grow 4.5 percent this year, below last year and #39;s 5.1 percent expansion, according to the American trust * Excluding China, the bank expects the region and #39;s ...continuare.

The evolution of the romanian currency until the end of the year; the perspectives of economists

publicat 2024-03-28 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Ionut Dumitru, chief economist of Raiffeisen Bank: 'We expect the stability of the exchange rate to be maintained' * Adrian Mitroi, professor of finance: 'The stability of the exchange rate also has a negative effect on the ECONOMY, namely the high... ...continuare.

Why the Federal Reserve does not predict a recession?

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Mike Skordeles, Truist Advisory Services: 'The ECONOMY will remain strong due to better productivity and structural changes in the labor force' * Stephanie Lang, Homrich Berg: 'An inflation surprise could put the Federal Reserve in a position to keep... ...continuare.

The Bank of Japan raised interest rates for the first time in 17 years

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Japan and #39;s central bank (BoJ) decided yesterday to raise the benchmark interest rate for the first time in 17 years, ending a long-term policy of negative interest rates aimed at stimulating the ECONOMY, AP reports. ...continuare.

The major index of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, at a record level

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The main index of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, DAX, exceeded the threshold of 18,000 points for the first time yesterday, after a steady advance in recent days, registered despite the difficulties faced by the German ECONOMY. ...continuare.

The case of Rosia Montana: Accusations of stock market manipulation

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
* Catalin Drula, USR: 'We will file a criminal complaint with the DNA for manipulating the capital market and undermining the national ECONOMY' * Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: 'It seems to me that maybe we don and #39;t live in the same world! What... ...continuare.

Marcel Ciolacu: Firmele cu actionarat exclusiv feminim sunt semnificativ mai profitabile decat cele in care sunt actionari doar barbatii

publicat 2024-03-06 12:45:18 (Income-Magazine)
Marcel Ciolacu: Firmele cu actionarat exclusiv feminim sunt semnificativ mai profitabile decat cele in care sunt actionari doar barbatii Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a afirmat, marti seara, la Gala CONAF- "Women in ECONOMY", ca firmele cu actionarat exclusiv feminim sunt semnificativ mai profitabile decat cele in care sunt actionari doar barbatii, chiar daca cifra de afaceri este mai mica.... ...continuare.

Ciolacu: Femeile antreprenor fac profituri mai mari decat barbatii 

publicat 2024-03-06 07:30:12 (Puterea)
Ciolacu: Femeile antreprenor fac profituri mai mari decat barbatii  Marcel Ciolacu a fost prezent la Gala CONAF- "Women in ECONOMY, unde a declarat ca doamnele din business sunt "adevarata mina de aur a economiei romanesti". Din acest motiv, acestea ar trebui reprezentate la toate consultarile in proportie de 50%.... ...continuare.

Marcel Ciolacu: Firmele cu actionarat exclusiv feminim sunt semnificativ mai profitabile decat cele in care sunt actionari doar barbatii / Ce spune despre alegerea unei femei pentru a deschide lista comuna la europarlamentare – VIDEO

publicat 2024-03-05 22:00:21 (Money.ro)
Marcel Ciolacu: Firmele cu actionarat exclusiv feminim sunt semnificativ mai profitabile decat cele in care sunt actionari doar barbatii / Ce spune despre alegerea unei femei pentru a deschide lista comuna la europarlamentare – VIDEO  Premierul Marcel Ciolacu, prezent, marti seara, la Gala CONAF- "Women in ECONOMY", si-a inceput discursul multumind Maiei Sandu, prezenta in sala: "As incepe si eu sa-i multumesc unei doamne speciale, cu adevarat o doamna darza, puternica care-si... ...continuare.

Ciolacu: Firmele cu actionariat exclusiv feminin, mai profitabile decat cele cu actionari barbati

publicat 2024-03-05 21:30:11 (Mediafax)
Ciolacu: Firmele cu actionariat exclusiv feminin, mai profitabile decat cele cu actionari barbati "Conform ultimului studiu realizat in Romania, firmele cu actionariat exclusiv feminin sunt semnificativ mai profitabile decat cele in care sunt actionari doar barbatii. E drept, cu cifre de afaceri mai mici, dar au o rata a profitului aproape dubla fata de companiile detinute in totalitate de... ...continuare.

Florin Jianu, CNIPMMR: 'Romania must train human resources suitable for industrial fields'

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* 'Investments do not go in tandem with what the ECONOMY and society actually needs' ...continuare.

ECONOMY"">CONAF organizeaza in premiera sub auspiciile celor mai inalte forumuri europene editia a sasea a Galei "Women in ECONOMY"

publicat 2024-02-29 17:15:03 (Antena3)
CONAF organizeaza in premiera sub auspiciile celor mai inalte forumuri europene editia a sasea a Galei ECONOMY""> Confederatia Nationala pentru Antreprenoriat Feminin (CONAF) organizeaza, sub patronajul Parlamentului European, editia a sasea a Galei "Women In ECONOMY", cea mai importanta gala de recunoastere a personalitatilor feminine cu rezultate notabile in diferite... ...continuare.

ANALIZA: Pana in 2030, piata locala a muncii va avea nevoie de peste 600.000 de persoane care sa ocupe locuri de munca inalt calificate. In Romania, doar 1% din populatia cu varsta intre 25 – 64 de ani participa la cursuri de formare profesionala

publicat 2024-02-27 15:00:21 (Money.ro)
ANALIZA: Pana in 2030, piata locala a muncii va avea nevoie de peste 600.000 de persoane care sa ocupe locuri de munca inalt calificate. In Romania, doar 1% din populatia cu varsta intre 25 – 64 de ani participa la cursuri de formare profesionala "Romania se confrunta cu multiple provocari de ordin demografic, care vor impacta major piata muncii in urmatorii 10 ani: populatia tarii imbatraneste, tinerii activi sunt din ce in ce mai putini pe piata muncii, iar cererea pentru forta de munca inalt calificata continua sa creasca, in... ...continuare.

Prefab and #39;s profitability was drastically reduced last year

publicat 2024-02-27 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* 'The blockage in the construction materials market caused by the decrease in consumer purchasing power significantly affects the real estate market', according to the company * 'Although investments from European funds are vital for the Romanian ECONOMY,... ...continuare.

Jefferies: 'Indian stock market valuation to double by 2030'

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* The bank and #39;s analysts estimate that India and #39;s stock market valuation will reach $10 trillion, up from $4.3 trillion today * 'In the next four years, India and #39;s GDP is likely to reach five trillion dollars, making the country the third largest ...continuare.

The war against Ukraine - the main engine of the growth of the Russian ECONOMY

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* Ukraine needs 486 billion dollars for recovery and reconstruction, after two years of war Two years after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia still faces an unprecedented number of economic sanctions, has been shut out of major global financial services and has had around 260 billion... ...continuare.

CONAF organizeaza cea de-a sasea editie a Galei 'Women In ECONOMY'

publicat 2024-02-22 13:15:05 (Bursa)
CONAF organizeaza cea de-a sasea editie a Galei 'Women In <span style='background:#EDF514'>ECONOMY</span>' Sub inaltul patronaj al Reprezentantei Comisiei Europene in Romania, Confederatia Nationala pentru Antreprenoriat Feminin (CONAF) anunta cea de-a sasea editie a Galei 'Women In ECONOMY' cu tema 'We dream, we can, we lead!'. In cadrul galei vor fi premiate... ...continuare.

Japan has lost its position as the world and #39;s third largest ECONOMY after falling into recession

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Japan has lost its position as the world and #39;s third largest <span style='background:#EDF514'>ECONOMY</span> after falling into recession * Japan and #39;s nominal GDP reached $4.2 trillion, compared to Germany and #39;s $4.46 trillion Japan has lost its position as the world and #39;s third largest ECONOMY to Germany as the Asian country unexpectedly entered recession, writes CNBC. ...continuare.

ECONOMY ca sa zbor singura la business class". Ce reactii a starnit tanara mama cu alegerea ei VIDEO">"Mi-am lasat copilul la ECONOMY ca sa zbor singura la business class". Ce reactii a starnit tanara mama cu alegerea ei VIDEO

publicat 2024-02-13 22:00:17 (ProTV)
ECONOMY ca sa zbor singura la business class". Ce reactii a starnit tanara mama cu alegerea ei VIDEO"> O mama din Marea Britanie a stârnit reactii controversate în mediul online dupa ce a dezvaluit ca a zburat cu avionul la clasa întâi, în timp ce bebelusul ei de 11 luni si iubitul se aflau la clasa ECONOMY. ...continuare.

IMF: 'Very difficult times for the Russian ECONOMY'

publicat 2024-02-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
IMF: 'Very difficult times for the Russian <span style='background:#EDF514'>ECONOMY</span>' The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the Russian ECONOMY continues to face significant obstacles, even if the institution has changed its estimates for the growth of the country and #39;s ECONOMY in a... ...continuare.

Paul Tudor Jones: 'The American ECONOMY is 'on steroids', which is not sustainable'

publicat 2024-02-08 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Paul Tudor Jones: 'The American <span style='background:#EDF514'>ECONOMY</span> is 'on steroids', which is not sustainable' * 'The consequences of massive borrowing will be seen in the markets, sooner or later' * The billionaire anticipates 'extraordinary' productivity gains generated by artificial intelligence in the coming years ...continuare.

European funding for the fourth edition of Start-up Nation

publicat 2024-02-07 00:00:11 (Bursa)
European funding for the fourth edition of Start-up Nation The Ministry of ECONOMY will ask the Ministry of European Projects and Investments to notify the European Commission so that the fourth edition of the Start-Up Nation program is financed from European funds, announced Radu Stefan Oprea, the Minister of... ...continuare.

Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, IMF: 'The growth rate of the world ECONOMY remains modest'

publicat 2024-01-31 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, IMF: 'The growth rate of the world <span style='background:#EDF514'>ECONOMY</span> remains modest' The International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday improved its growth forecast for the world ECONOMY, anticipating a better evolution of the American ECONOMY and several important emerging economies, such as China and... ...continuare.

Business Insider: 'China sees the energy transition as a way to increase the importance of the yuan'

publicat 2024-01-23 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Business Insider: 'China sees the energy transition as a way to increase the importance of the yuan' * Zongyuan Zoe Liu, Council on Foreign Relations: 'China is a dominant supplier of essential resources for the transition to a green ECONOMY' The US dollar dominates global finance, especially in commodity markets, but China sees the transition to renewable... ...continuare.

Prime Minister Ciolacu broke the Army and #39;s piggy bank

publicat 2024-01-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Prime Minister Ciolacu broke the Army and #39;s piggy bank Last year, the government cut 7.2 billion lei from the money allocated for the endowment of the Army and transferred that amount to the reserve fund in order to retain the loyalty of its party clientele, says deputy Claudiu Nasui (USR), former Minister of ...continuare.