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EXODUS in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa EXODUS

Reuters: Foreign companies lost over 107 billion dollars after exiting the Russian market

publicat 2024-03-29 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The EXODUS of foreign corporations from Russia starting in 2022, after Moscow invaded Ukraine, has resulted in losses for foreign companies of more than $107 billion from asset writedowns and unrealized income, a Reuters analysis of press releases and... ...continuare.

Business Insider: 'China is failing to stop the EXODUS of investors from its stock market'

publicat 2024-02-05 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Business Insider: 'China is failing to stop the <span style='background:#EDF514'>EXODUS</span> of investors from its stock market' * The market value of Chinese shares has fallen by about six trillion dollars, compared to the maximum reached in 2021, according to the American publication January was the sixth consecutive month that foreign investors sold shares listed in China, according to a Bloomberg report, writes... ...continuare.

Filmul de pe Netflix care a rupt topurile imediat dupa lansare. Transmite un puternic mesaj despre Dumnezeu

publicat 2024-01-05 20:00:05 (Click)
Filmul de pe Netflix care a rupt topurile imediat dupa lansare. Transmite un puternic mesaj despre Dumnezeu Netflix a adaugat in catalogul sau unul dintre cele mai faimoase si spectaculoase filme care au ajuns vreodata pe marele ecran, atunci cand vine vorba despre productii ce spun povesti biblice. Este vorba despre "EXODUS - Zei si Regi", pelicula ce spune... ...continuare.