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ITORY in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa ITORY

The first semester in numbers

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* January 1st - Mandatory electronic invoicing comes into force for all transactions made between taxable persons established on the terrITORY of the country. The measure is applicable until December 31, 2026. ...continuare.

Project: Bucharest authorities will be able to intervene for the protection of Romanian citizens abroad

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romanian citizens who are in danger outside the national terrITORY will benefit from the intervention of our country to ensure their protection, according to the draft law that will establish the National System for Integrated Management of Crisis... ...continuare.

Patriarch Kirill threatens the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The February 29 decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the expansion of the canonical terrITORY in the Republic of Moldova and in the former Romanian territories that now belong to Ukraine, by strengthening the Metropolis of... ...continuare.

Dissatisfied with the appointment of the new head, five prosecutors from DNA Constanta resigned

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
* The Territorial Service was left with two prosecutors, and the five who resigned are to work within the Prosecutor and #39;s Office attached to the Constanta Court * Their resignation comes under conditions where, on Monday, at the DNA balance sheet, Chief Prosecutor Marius Voineag complained... ...continuare.

Participatory Science: The Impact of Water Consumption on Climate Change

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Participatory Science: The Impact of Water Consumption on Climate Change The quality of alternative water sources on the terrITORY of the UNESCO International Geopark Sara Hategului and to what extent water consumption has an impact on climate change and the quality of life will be analyzed within a participatory science project... ...continuare.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu wants to hire 4,500 doctors

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu wants to hire 4,500 doctors The Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Finance will start the steps to unlock 4500 positions in the sanitary-medical units in the terrITORY, for resident doctors who passed the exam at the end of last year, the... ...continuare.