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MEET in stiri - rezultatele cautarii dupa MEET

'Library from the bus', a gift for travelers

publicat 2024-04-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Culture takes to the streets more and more often to MEET the public, and more recently, it also goes by bus. ...continuare.

Elections: the liberals claim that they are not a 'wagon' for the PSD

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The PSD-PNL alliance 'close to the wrists' at every party MEETing or candidate launch. ...continuare.

ECOFIN: The implementation of the PNRR ends on December 31, 2026

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of Economy and Finance from the EU member states refused last week during the ECOFIN Council MEETing to extend beyond December 31, 2026 the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of which the PNRR of our country is a part,... ...continuare.

Bolos: Proiectele de parteneriat public-privat sunt viitorul

publicat 2024-04-19 10:45:09 (Income-Magazine)
Bolos: Proiectele de parteneriat public-privat sunt viitorul Proiectele de tip parteneriat public-privat reprezinta viitorul si de aceea am ales sa particip la IMF/WB Constituency MEETing 2024, pentru a vorbi cu expertii si a vedea cum pot fi create noi oportunitati de dezvoltare economica si sociala pentru romani,... ...continuare.

ECA report: European institutions do not fully comply with transparency rules regarding lobbying activity

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*12,500 lobbyists work alongside European Union institutions *European Court of Auditors auditors believe that transparency rules still do not apply to spontaneous MEETings and most EU staff *ECA warns of the risk that NGO funding sources to remain opaque ...continuare.

Un eveniment organizat la o scoala gimnaziala din Turda este finalist in Competitia internationala MEET and Code 2018

publicat 2024-04-15 17:00:02 (AgoraNews)
Evenimentul “Scratch si… Gool!” organizat de Asociatia Pro Teodor Murasanu in Scoala Teodor Murasanu din Turda a fost desemnat finalist la categoria Kick and Code in cadrul MEET and Code. ...continuare.

Motorola confirma lansarea seriei Edge 50. Cand va avea loc si ce modele urmeaza sa fie lansate

publicat 2024-04-10 15:15:18 (Go4IT)
Motorola confirma lansarea seriei Edge 50. Cand va avea loc si ce modele urmeaza sa fie lansate Printr-o postare pe X (fostul Twitter), Motorola a confirmat organizarea unui eveniment de lansare pe 16 aprilie 2024 pentru viitoarea generatie de smartphone-uri din familia Edge. Aceste terminale vor fi lansate sub motto-ul "Intelligence MEETs... ...continuare.

Education trade unionists, informed about performance-based pay

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Teachers who are no longer involved in their work will soon have unpleasant surprises. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, had a MEETing with the representatives of the education unions to establish the steps to identify some criteria for the... ...continuare.

Air-Sea Schengen - a glimmer of hope for free movement

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
We finally have, since yesterday, the air and maritime Schengen which, from the superior position of full member of the area of free movement of goods and persons, Austria granted us at the last MEETing of the Council of Justice and Internal Affairs last year. ...continuare.

(P) Detalii exclusive din culisele Brokerslink Europe MEETing 2024

publicat 2024-03-27 15:30:14 (ProTV)
(P) Detalii exclusive din culisele Brokerslink Europe <span style='background:#EDF514'>MEET</span>ing 2024 În contextul unei lumi fluctuante si pline de provocari, industria asigurarilor devine esentiala în protejarea si sustinerea economiilor la nivel global. ...continuare.

Ministry of Finance: 'We want the new FP administrator to develop a strategy based on a solid portfolio of holdings'

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'Preservation of the FP portfolio' refers only to the fund and #39;s holdings in companies, as it appears from the answer sent to us by Finance * Fondul Proprietatea shareholders are MEETing today to approve the terms of the management contract between FP... ...continuare.

Parliament Chapel

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
Orthodox deputies and senators will, from today, have a place inside the Parliament where they can pray, get in touch with God and maybe even confess to a priest when they feel a heavy conscience because of the votes cast in committee MEETings or plenary... ...continuare.

Sustainability MEETs Profitability - La French Tech Bucharest. "S-au dus vremurile cand businessul insemna doar profit. Trebuie sa fim atenti la resurse, sa nu mai facem risipa. Este obligatoriu sa schimbam modul in care facem business"

publicat 2024-03-22 00:15:37 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Sustainability <span style='background:#EDF514'>MEET</span>s Profitability - La French Tech Bucharest. Cresterea businessurilor pe fundatii sustenabile nu inseamna restrangerea lor pentru a influenta mai putin mediul, ci identificarea acelor solutii care sa permita scalarea fara ca lumea din jur sa aiba de suferit O situatie relativ noua si dificila este cea a contextului in care lumea se... ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis: 'I don and #39;t think it and #39;s useful to make public details about the military aid offered to Ukraine'

publicat 2024-03-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities in Bucharest will continue not to provide data on the military support given to Ukraine, President Klaus Iohannis said yesterday, before the European Council MEETing, although the head of state recently sent the Parliament information on the... ...continuare.

Millenium Insurance Broker proposes to shareholders a dividend with a yield of 7%

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The management of Millenium Insurance Broker summoned the shareholders to the balance sheet MEETing on April 25 with the proposal that 85% of last year and #39;s profit be allocated as dividends, according to a company report published on Friday on the... ...continuare.

Ciolacu buries Dancila and #39;s corvettes: the Naval Forces remain without battleships

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
In yesterday and #39;s MEETing, the Ciolacu government repealed HG 48/2018 regarding the multifunctional corvette program through which the Romanian Naval Forces should have been endowed with four marine corvettes and through which the maintenance of the... ...continuare.

Leipzig, Salzburg and Budapest - three new destinations offered by Wizz Air

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Starting this spring, the Wizz Air airline offers three new travel destinations for passengers departing from Bucharest, announced yesterday, in an informal MEETing with the press, the representatives of the air transport operator. ...continuare.

ECB: 'The mitigation of inflation makes possible a possible reduction of interest rates in 2024'

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) decided, in yesterday and #39;s monetary policy MEETing, to keep interest rates unchanged for the fourth consecutive time, as expected by analysts. ...continuare.

MEETing">"Baietii buni ajung in Rai", selectat la a 42-a editie a Bergamo Film MEETing

publicat 2024-03-05 19:15:10 (Jurnalul-National)
MEETing"> Filmul "Baietii buni ajung in Rai", regizat de Radu Potcoava ("Cuscrii", serialele "Vlad" si "Ai Nostri") va face parte din sectiunea competitiva a festivalului italian Bergamo Film MEETing, alaturi de alte sase productii internationale, si va concura... ...continuare.

'The deployment of troops to Ukraine, an idea without supporters'

publicat 2024-02-28 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The statement of the French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine caught the officials in Bucharest off guard, even if at the Monday evening MEETing at the Elysee Palace, in which President Klaus Iohannis also... ...continuare.

Trump povestitorul si NATO: un Creanga american, direct si cu putere. De ce cred in democratia americana si in 2024

publicat 2024-02-16 07:15:02 (Adevarul)
Trump povestitorul si NATO: un Creanga american, direct si cu putere. De ce cred in democratia americana si in 2024 Au facut epoca povestirile lui Trump la un MEETing electoral din Carolina de Sud, in actuala campanie electorala a primarelor republicane, in care fostul presedinte se plaseaza pe prima pozitie impotriva unicului contracandidat ramas in cursa cu sanse,... ...continuare.

Jens Stoltenberg: 'If Putin wins in Ukraine, it would be a message for President Xi and what happens today in Ukraine can happen tomorrow in Taiwan'

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Jens Stoltenberg: 'If Putin wins in Ukraine, it would be a message for President Xi and what happens today in Ukraine can happen tomorrow in Taiwan' If Vladimir Putin wins the war in Ukraine, it will be a positive message for Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the actions that the authorities in Beijing are considering for the invasion of Taiwan, Jens Stoltenberg said yesterday in Brussels , the Secretary General of NATO, at the end of... ...continuare.

Draft EP resolution: European funds, allocated only to the member states that are part of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Draft EP resolution: European funds, allocated only to the member states that are part of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office The European Parliament will ask the European Commission to condition the allocation of European funds on the status of a member state of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office, according to the proposed resolution on the rule of law that would be debated and voted on in the ...continuare.

Urmariti astazi de la ora 19 la emisiunea ZF IT Generation: Cum vrea start-up-ul local Sessions sa inlocuiasca solutiile Microsoft Teams, Zoom si Google MEET cu platforma sa de colaborare all-in-one la nivel global? Cum va folosi actuala runda de finantare de 3 mil. de dolari? O discutie cu Radu Negulescu, fondator si CEO al Sessions.

publicat 2024-02-13 17:45:40 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Urmariti astazi de la ora 19 la emisiunea ZF IT Generation: Cum vrea start-up-ul local Sessions sa inlocuiasca solutiile Microsoft Teams, Zoom si Google <span style='background:#EDF514'>MEET</span> cu platforma sa de colaborare all-in-one la nivel global? Cum va folosi actuala runda de finantare de 3 mil. de dolari? O discutie cu Radu Negulescu, fondator si CEO al Sessions. Radu Negulescu, fondator si CEO al Sessions. Urmariti astazi de la ora 19 la emisiunea ZF IT Generation: Cum vrea start-up-ul local Sessions sa inlocuiasca solutiile Microsoft Teams, Zoom si Google MEET cu platforma sa de colaborare all-in-one la nivel... ...continuare.

Chatbotul Bard al Google a fost redenumit Gemini; compania a lansat o noua aplicatie si optiuni de abonamente

publicat 2024-02-08 21:00:10 (Money.ro)
Chatbotul Bard al Google a fost redenumit Gemini; compania a lansat o noua aplicatie si optiuni de abonamente Bard, un concurent principal al chatbotului ChatGPT al OpenAI, se numeste de acum Gemini, la fel ca suita de modele AI care alimenteaza chatbotul.Google a anuntat, de asemenea, noi modalitati prin care consumatorii pot accesa instrumentul de AI: de joi, utilizatorii de Android pot descarca o noua... ...continuare.

2023 in numbers

publicat 2024-02-07 00:00:12 (Bursa)
2023 in numbers * January 5 - The MEETing to establish the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) takes place, for a six-year mandate. Daniel Gradinaru, judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice, is elected president of the CSM for the year 2023. ...continuare.

Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'MApN didn and #39;t initiated any draft law regarding defense'

publicat 2024-02-06 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'MApN didn and #39;t initiated any draft law regarding defense' The Ministry of National Defense didn and #39;t initiated any normative act regarding the amendment of the laws in this field, nor regarding the preparation of citizens for defense, affirmed, yesterday, the liberal senator Nicoleta Pauliuc, the president of the Committee for Defense in the... ...continuare.

The shareholders of SIF Muntenia approved the change of the company and #39;s name to Longshield Investment Group

publicat 2024-02-06 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The shareholders of SIF Muntenia approved the change of the company and #39;s name to Longshield Investment Group * No Pilon II pension fund had SIF Muntenia shares at the end of last year The shareholders of SIF Muntenia (SIF4) approved, in the extraordinary MEETing at the end of last week, the change of the name of the company to Longshield Investment Group,... ...continuare.

Bogdan Ivan, Minister of Digitalization: 'Investment in the IT infrastructure of the Romanian state must be the zero priority'

publicat 2024-02-01 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Bogdan Ivan, Minister of Digitalization: 'Investment in the IT infrastructure of the Romanian state must be the zero priority' The cyber attack on the Chamber of Deputies constituted a lesson from which the state authorities must learn and understand that the world has changed at a dizzying speed in recent years, said Bogdan Ivan, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, yesterday, after the government ...continuare.

David Popovici a cucerit aurul la EuroMEET

publicat 2024-01-30 13:15:06 (Click)
David Popovici a cucerit aurul la Euro<span style='background:#EDF514'>MEET</span> Inotatorul roman, David Popovici, in varsta de 19 ani, a obtinut o victorie impresionanta sambata, 27 ianuarie, in proba de 200 de metri liber, la EuroMEET ...continuare.