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The Minister of Education supports digital assessment

publicat 2024-02-06 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Minister of Education supports digital assessment The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, states that the digitized evaluation does not influence either the TYPEs of subjects, the scale, or the children and #39;s working time, specifying that the only difference is that the work will be automatically... ...continuare.

Regatul Unit a "dejucat" un nou atac cu drona houthi la Marea Rosie. Viza distrugatorul britanic HMS Diamond

publicat 2024-01-28 17:15:12 (ProTV)
Regatul Unit a Marina britanica a ”dejucat” sâmbata un atac al unor rebeli houthi la Marea Rosie care viza nava britanica HMS Diamond, un distrugator dotat cu rachete ghidate, TYPE 45, de clasa Daring, anunta duminica, relateaza AFP. ...continuare.